Page name: black arrow tavern [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-24 19:07:43
Last author: travs the bean
Owner: travs the bean
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Welcome once again to the Black Arrow Tavern my friend, where the food is rich and drinks are plenty. Yet mind you, tis not a place to leave your purse lying about, and be wary of the goblins that haunt below and you'll be fine. Yet if yer looking for tales of adventures and treasures far off, than you've found the right place. Yes it has been a while, and there have been changes, but the dust is being cleaned off and the chairs straightened so if you need a place to stay for the night, here it might be

We offer the finest collection of drinks in elftown, as well as the the most excellent meat dishes. So pull up a stool or find a table and make yer self at home. If you are planning to stay a while there are plenty of rooms to choose from. Each with warm beds and a nice fires. Breakfast is at 11 and the bar never closes.

the rules
Now all we ask is you pay yer bill, and keep your squables at the door. There will be none of that here now. Also keep yer filthy mutts off the wenches or you might end up with an arrow to the back...we tend to keep an eye on our own here.

Also we have new openings and changes here at black arrow tavern:characters. So if your interested at playing more indepth roles- here is the place to go.

staff on duty:

[travs the bean] the barkeep;
[Igorina]aka Jynx
So feel free to ask for anything.

the drinks
Ale........................2 copper
Mead.....................1 copper
Eldenberry.............1 silver
Rock Ale.................1 copper, 1 silver
Black Root Ale.........2 copper
Fire Water...............3 copper
Goldberry Wine........1 gold
Brandy Wine............3 silver (sort of rare)

Todays Special: all you can eat
Roast Mutton, Bread, and Roasted Vegtebles 2 silver

Rooms per night
the floor.............1 copper
common room.....3 copper
room 2 beds........5 copper 1 silver
private room........3 silver

to the other rooms of the tavern
Black Arrow Tavern:Upstairs the 1st floor Map is done!
Black Arrow Tavern: 2nd Floor 2nd floor is done

important: this story is played through out many rooms- things happen in other places at the same time as in the inn and if you are not in the room you miss out on the adventure or danger:) so as more rooms open up we would encourage you to keep to story or stories going- because it all does not happen on the main floor:)

working on the cellar- which leads to the sewers(coming)

the map of the main floor
this will help you get around the inn- working on the second level and maybe the third as well- be patient
Legend to come...
all the tables are drawn without chairs- sorry- time issues:) and the storage room is off limits;) as well as the kitchen for the most part cause [Rennie] will prob beat you down like an old rug if she catches you there

if you need to buy stuff and gear for that next adventure or get a potion or two go here- i hear [Kileaiya] might be hiring once she gets her store in order:)
black arrow tavern:warehouse

character: who's who
black arrow: character sheet
come to the inn and you can create your own character- mind you as it grows more occupations will open up:) - than post your character here
black arrow tavern:characters

If you want to advertize the tavern here's the small graphic and the link.
black arrow tavern

**** i've been asked if anyone can join- the answer is always yes- just roleplay smart- a lot of people are not fans of the super warrior- or character that has it all- it makes things unrealistic- the tavern is in the poorer section of town- the main hall is open to all- get a room and that's were the adventure begins- just keep it clean.

we'll come up with a smart roleplay guide in a bit- but until then have a drink if you have the coin

Travs the bean

Black Arrow Tavern:Outside



we will delete a post if you break character- use the mail system to chat- not here- do not break character

god like powers and magic
If you want to be the most powerful kid on the block than this wiki is not for you- we will get rid of those and delete those post that we find fit this.We are looking for fun, realistic play, where you use your wits rather than your powers.... SO leave them at the door- Magis is allowed but in the inn it is greatly reduced and it will have damaging effects at time- (i am a big fan of friendly fire)

Username (or number or email):


2005-10-31 [Juiced]: mmmm*i slowly open my eyes* where....where am i

2005-10-31 [Raie]: "You're in the tavern, now rest easy, you passed out after healing my arm. Come, let's get you warmed up."

2005-11-01 [Akayume]: Akayume stood up against the wall. To much is going insane person.....and I thought I came here to get away from all this. She sighed.

2005-11-01 [alexi]: "Thank you Raie" **looks at the other healer* "where did you learn to do that, young one?"

2005-11-01 [Juiced]: I......I was born with it *i say weakly*

2005-11-01 [alexi]: "Don't worry I'm not going to bite you, relax. I've tried to do the same thing before and it almost killed me therefore I use herbs and homemade remidies, but I can help you learn how to not faint I myself was taught by some of the best."

2005-11-01 [Raie]: *smiles* "Herbs and remidies are the way to go, healing spells are hard to pull off, and they leave you feeling hungover for a week. Unfortunately, herbs and remidies have the annoying ability to run out, as I have of hydrostrodon venom." *curses under his breath*

2005-11-01 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep watched, than shook his head as they sorted things out among themselves. He had just finished cleaning the floor and noticed the candles were much smaller than before. He took a broom and began to sweep up behind the bar as the conversations continued**

2005-11-01 [Raie]: *leaves the two healers and walks over to the bar.* "Forgive me, sir, I know it must be hard to accept a Goblin-apparently we're not well liked around here. I want to thank you for your hospitality, if there's anything you need, I can help you."

2005-11-01 [travs the bean]: *he raised an eyebrow at the creature** your welcome-as for help you help by not causing trouble, that is all that i ask for

2005-11-01 [Raie]: *smiles* "I'll try. Now, can I get an Ale?"

2005-11-01 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep put the broom down, grabbed a mug and opened the tap of a large cask near the bar. When the liquid began to froth over the edges he placed it on the bar in front of the goblin** tha will be 2 coppers

2005-11-01 [Raie]: *rummages around in his backpack and pulls out 2 coppers and smacks them onto the bar.* "Hope that covers it." *takes the mug and raises it to the cieling* "To The Six."

2005-11-02 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep raises his eyebrows and shakes his head as he turns back and grabs the broom**

2005-11-02 [Raie]: *smiles and drains the mug* "Ah, ale is good. Now that I'm here, I have to ask, where am I? Obviously I'm in the Black Arrow Tavern, it says on the door, but where is the Black Arrow Tavern?"

2005-11-02 [travs the bean]: We sit on the borders of the dark forest and the northern mountain ranges. There used to be great cities around here but now they are nothing but memories and ruins. There are a few towns here and there but no one really ventures out much these days. As you noticed there are a few buildings around the dagger- the warehouse and some empty ones for other shops so in a way we are sort of town

2005-11-02 [Nylen Estrall]: *Runs into the tavern, smashing the door in behind him* Those dam hobbits... *takes a quick look around the bar area and notices travs; both look at eachother rather surprised* Er... I was ehm... chasing them hobbits you know and... er... I saw them running into 'ere, yep, that's it, running into here *suddenly the noise of several people banging on the door can be heard each of them shouting things like "Come here you pussy!" and "I'll bite your legs off you stupid drow!"* Well, I guess they are out there, aren't they? I'd better stay here to make sure none of them remained in the building. I can findd the ones outside any time ya know... Er... do you have an easily fortifiable room?

2005-11-02 [Raie]: *the goblin gets up from the bar and draws his sword* "What in the names of The Six are Hobbits? Incendiarski." *the blade on the sword glows orange*

2005-11-02 [Juiced]: * i slowly try to get up but i stummble to one knee*

2005-11-02 [Raie]: *walks over to to Edge and helps her up* "Rest easy now, you're in no condition to fight these "hobbits," whatever they are."

2005-11-02 [alexi]: *laughs at raie and looks at Edge* "He's right you need reast. And hobbits are harmless, unless youre one of there enimies."

2005-11-02 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya sat at her seat and smiled, "Trav, can I get a glass of milk?"

2005-11-02 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep laughed to himself- so late in the evening** check him to see if he was drinking- the halflings are no danger to noone, in fact it's amazing you saw one anyways since they are more myth than anything else** he walked to the door and opened it casually revealing nothing but rain and wind** if it is not the drink than it must be some other influence

2005-11-02 [alexi]: Halflings are real in my home country.

2005-11-02 [travs the bean]: Then you must be far away from your homeland, they are rather rare here- except for jynx- who happens to be hidding again

2005-11-02 [alexi]: "not very far, perhaps its was Jynk whom your friend saw?"

2005-11-02 [travs the bean]: perhaps

2005-11-02 [alexi]: "is he a joking type halfling?"

2005-11-02 [travs the bean]: i don't know- but there is nothing out there but rain-** he looked towards the drow for a moment, who stood there sopping wet. He shook his head for a moment and then went back to the bar and poured Kil a glass of warm milk**

2005-11-02 [Raie]: *laughs* "Oh, halflings! We have halflings in circuses, the most famous is Pip The Mighty Squeak!"

2005-11-03 [Kileaiya]: "Thank you, Trav," Kileaiya said as she pulled out her money and paid Trav.

2005-11-03 [Nylen Estrall]: *mumbles something to himself, then walks to the door, opens it and suddenly slams it* THEY ARE STILL HERE!!! *runs upstairs in panic*

2005-11-03 [alexi]: "I've never heard of halflings being in a circus. Is he alright?"

2005-11-03 [travs the bean]: maybe you should check on him - he seems to be seeing things

2005-11-03 [alexi]: "I think I'd better" *looks at the young healer* "I may need some help would you mind?" *without waiting for a response she leaves to go help Nylen after a short stop at her room for some of her herbs.*

2005-11-03 [Juiced]: *i sit there looking around and i see what looks to be a staff and i reach my hand out and it come to me*

2005-11-03 [Raie]: "Then you've obviously never heard of Cajia, Alexi. Where'd you learn to do that?"

2005-11-04 [Juiced]: * i sllowly stand up and the symbl on my fore head is glowing brightly*

2005-11-04 [alexi]: *Pops head back in the room where the young healer is* "Edge, is that your name, I may need your help. Would you please come with me? And no Raie I hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it."

2005-11-04 [Danboo]: *Daniel walks in*hey...

2005-11-05 [Akayume]: Akayume sighed as she watched him. He was so like her brother.....but so different. She shook her head, and went back to trying to sleep.

2005-11-05 [Elisha Kelly]: *enters bar and strolls over to table and sits down, trying to look normal despite the fairy wings attached to back with ribbon.*

2005-11-05 [Danboo]: ...i think i can work now

2005-11-05 [Juiced]: alright alexi what do you need me to do

2005-11-05 [Raie]: *looks around at the various humans that have just assembled. He turns to Edge* "Humans have wings?"

2005-11-05 [Juiced]: yes but thats not a human

2005-11-05 [Juiced]: they are half-elves they have cluster crystal which makes there power high the reagulor human and give them wings

2005-11-05 [Raie]: *stares over at the winged person* "It looks like a human.  Are you sure?"

2005-11-05 [Juiced]: I am sure for i have something like that called an exsphere

2005-11-05 [Raie]: "Wait, that's an elf? Interesting."

2005-11-05 [Juiced]: no im human only because i have a key creast

2005-11-05 [Elisha Kelly]: *grunts then promptly falls asleep on table*

2005-11-05 [Raie]: *walks over to Elysiann and points to the wings on her back.* "See? Edge, is she human?"

2005-11-05 [Elisha Kelly]: *wakes up* no I am not... I am a fairy and I can fly... I can I can I can.

2005-11-05 [Raie]: "Oh, you're awake. A Fairy? Never heard of one. Ever hear of us?"

2005-11-05 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep listened and shooked his head with a grin- surely the drink was talking through the patrons as they talked of wings and crystals and elves.... much of what he knew to be myth and fun. ** interesting wings you have attached there young lady- you might want to take them off to make you more comfortable

2005-11-05 [Raie]: *looks at elysiann* "So they're fake wings. Do most people wear fake wings? They certainly didn't back home!" *laughs*

2005-11-05 [Elisha Kelly]: no not much I am afraid *eyes him wearily*

2005-11-05 [Raie]: "another Ale, my good sir." *holds up 2 coppers*

2005-11-05 [Elisha Kelly]: Can't take them off.

2005-11-05 [Raie]: Why not?

2005-11-05 [Elisha Kelly]: because... just because!

2005-11-05 [Raie]: "ok then...uh...who put the wings there?"

2005-11-05 [Elisha Kelly]: *mumbles* nobody...

2005-11-05 [Raie]: *laughs* "So, let's say you're a fairy. What do you do for a living?"

2005-11-05 [Nylen Estrall]: *Cautiously comes down the stairs* Noticed any halflings around?

2005-11-05 [travs the bean]: none to be seen- Jynx seems to be gone ** the barkeep put the goblins drink on the counter and walked over to the fairy lady** and what would you like to drink young lady?

2005-11-05 [Nylen Estrall]: *Slowly walks over to the door, opens it, and looks outside. After making sure that there are no halflings around, he slams the door and turns to the people of the tavern* Did I ever tell you how I killed a village of hobbits with a bottle of wine and a toothpick?

2005-11-05 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep shook his head and chuckled** your lucky my friend that jynx has stepped out for a bit or she'd flay you alive for that comment

2005-11-05 [Nylen Estrall]: If you've ever been wondering why I never tell this story in the presence of halflings, now you know. If there's one around I tell the same story with elves...

2005-11-05 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya shook her head and chuckled, and people thought she was strange. She eyed the goblin, the crazy one, and the one who claimed to be a fairy, and with a smile she added "Well, what a lot we have here."

2005-11-05 [Danboo]: (sorry bout that i had to go)

2005-11-06 [Elisha Kelly]: ahhh I'll take a mead thanks barkeep. *smiles and places a copper on the table then turns to [Raie]* well I get my work when and where I can... last job was at the harvest picking fruit for a particuarly fat merchant.

2005-11-06 [Juiced]: Ok first off I need a drink, second theres no way you could kill a villge of habbits with a wine bottle and toothpick, and third what the one with wings says is a lie she's no fairy she is a half-elf bareing a Cluster Crystal

2005-11-06 [Elisha Kelly]: okay... *sidles away slightly*

2005-11-06 [Juiced]: but i have to ask why are you hidding

2005-11-06 [Juiced]: i mean i know my exsphere hasn't evolved into a Cluster crystal but i'm fine

2005-11-06 [Elisha Kelly]: ummm... I have no Idea what you are talking about...

2005-11-06 [Juiced]: W/E barkeeper my good man how much would it be to rent a room with 2 beds for a few months im exspecting compony

2005-11-06 [Danboo]: ..

2005-11-06 [Akayume]: Akayume soon fell into a light and dreamless sleep.

2005-11-06 [Juiced]: *Sneacks over to Akayume* WAKEY WAKEY EGGAND BACCY

2005-11-06 [Akayume]: Akayume shot her hand up and grabbed Edge around the neck. "Leave me alone!"

2005-11-07 [Raie]: *looks around* " well, it appears we have a fairly large group of people here, so I'll begin. Who wants to go on a werewolf hunt?"

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: I will

2005-11-07 [Raie]: "Allright, that's one. Wait, who are you?"

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: "I'm Daniel, a worker here and an exelent tracker."Daniel replied

2005-11-07 [Raie]: "Excelent. I'm Raie, and I'm an explorer, from far away."

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: how many day away

2005-11-07 [Raie]: my land, cajia? it's on another universe, it'll take a few days to get there by foot. But as for those werewolves, they're right outside.

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: oh, ok

2005-11-07 [Raie]: right, now, who else?

2005-11-07 [Elisha Kelly]: Ï'll be in on it, I have never seen a werewolf... '

2005-11-07 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya stood and walked over to the goblin, "You won't be going on a werewolf hunt little one. Those happen to be my friends."

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: who said i'm hunting werewolfs

2005-11-07 [Kileaiya]: "I wasn't talking to you Daniel, I was talking to the goblin." Kileaiya said.

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: "Oh, well I'm going outside..."Daniel said

2005-11-07 [Kileaiya]: "It's no use boy, they've turned back to humans again by now, and quite capable ones at that." Kileaiya said slightly miffed.

2005-11-07 [Elisha Kelly]: oh...well if we are not going... then i might have a catnap. *crawls undertable ans nods off to sleep.*

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: "who said i was going after "were"wolves now?"Daniel replied.

2005-11-07 [Kileaiya]: "You may not be, but I figure I give you fair warning."

2005-11-07 [Elisha Kelly]: *snore*

2005-11-07 [Danboo]: "thanks"*daniel turns and leaves*

2005-11-07 [Raie]: "Allright, so I won't hunt untransfigured werewolves."

2005-11-07 [Elisha Kelly]: *hiccups rolls over and snores some more*

2005-11-07 [travs the bean]: a small ray of morning light broke throught the rainy clouds than dissappeared again. In the distance a crow cried and the barkeep looked up realizing that morning was upon them- though still the rain poured down

2005-11-07 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysiann opens one eye ever so slightly, then mumbles *damn rain*

2005-11-07 [travs the bean]: ** the barkeep looked around at the bar and the patrons- those that had stayed up through the night. He shook his head and let out a yawn mumbling to himself that he was getting to old for this. With a stretch he walked over to the fire and put on a fresh log and changed the water pot for fresh tea and then went about his other morning chores. he decided he would sleep later**

2005-11-08 [Raie]: *yawns* "Morning already? Well, in that case, I'm going to take a nap." *flicks a copper to the barkeep* "That'll get me a spot on the floor, yes?"

2005-11-08 [Akayume]: Akayume woke up, and sighed. The poor man was still aslepp. She smiled though, he was sleeping peacefully.

2005-11-08 [Raie]: *walks upstairs*

2005-11-08 [alexi]: "I'm sorry Edge, I don't think I need your help any more."

2005-11-09 [Igorina]: On his bench, Josiah mumbled something softly and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked groggily and stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes. A vague look of confusion drifted over his face as if he wasn't entirely sure where he was.

2005-11-09 [Igorina]: Jynx had ways of making herself invisible in plain sight. It had nothing to do with magic, only with having a halfling knack for being quiet and unobtrusive. Anticipating a busy day, she had found herself a cozy quiet spot under the stairs and lay there now, deep in one of her characteristic short catnaps until the barkeep located her again and put her to work. She rubbed her nose drowsily and slumbered silently on, peacefully oblivious to all the excitement that had transpired.

2005-11-09 [Skife]: Bethel sat at one of the tables gazing out a window. She sighed as she watched the rain stream down the pane of glass. Having slept through the day and most of the night before she was not tired but bored. She looked over at the barkeeper. “I don’t suppose you have started serving breakfast?” she asked.

2005-11-09 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia crawled out from under the table were she had been sleeping, her clothes rumpled and her hair sticking out in odd directions. she straightened her clothes (and fake wings) as much as possible, then sat herself down regally upon a stool to await the breakfast hour.

2005-11-09 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled and listened for the barkeep's answer to whether or not breakfast would be served soon, although she had a feeling it would not be, it was after all barely dawn. She noticed Elysia wake up and walked over to her, "Hello," she said kindly.

2005-11-09 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia grinned "hi, tis sure to be a grand day is it not", her mood had been greatly improved by her short but restful sleep...

2005-11-09 [Kileaiya]: "Surely," Ki said with a smile.

2005-11-09 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia stretched her back... it was a little stiff from sleeping on the hard floor, "so what do you do here my fine young kitty?"

2005-11-09 [Kileaiya]: Ki smiled and said "I run the warehouse next door, I sell weapons and potions. What brings you here?"

2005-11-09 [Elisha Kelly]: "not a lot... just looked interesting" Elysia looked around the tavern at the diversity of the those around her "how could it not look interesting".

2005-11-09 [Akayume]: "Wow, you're finally awake." Akayume said as she yawned. She smiled.

2005-11-10 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya stretched and yawned as she said "I suppose it is quite interesting around here," she yawned once again and let a meow slip, her hand flew to her mouth as she blushed red.

2005-11-10 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia tried to stiffle a giggle, but it ended up in a loud snorting laughter... 'that is so cute' she managed to say between her most unlady like snorts.

2005-11-10 [alexi]: "Is there anyone around here whos sells herbs? Or knows where I can get some fresh?"

2005-11-10 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled and laughed along with Elysia, "Alexi, Helena sells herbs. I think she is upstairs asleep right now though."

2005-11-11 [Elisha Kelly]: "hmmm, everyone seems to like sleeping in around here"

2005-11-11 [Danboo]: *just about everyone hears a barking from outside*

2005-11-11 [Elisha Kelly]: * Elysia turns towards the commotion* whats going on?

2005-11-11 [travs the bean]: why don't you go check miss, as for breakfast we might be able to think of something

2005-11-11 [Elisha Kelly]: okies...* Elysia gets up and walks over to the door, opening it up a a little she peers outside.*

2005-11-11 [Kileaiya]: "What's out there Elysia?" Kileaiya asked quietly.

2005-11-12 [Elisha Kelly]: "I can't really see anything... I might have to go out and have a look"

2005-11-12 [Igorina]: Josiah blinked at the sound of the elf's voice and he turned and his face brightened. " My lady, " he said eagerly as he stood up from his bench and stretched and and nodded at her, stifling a yawn. He looked out of the window and smiled faintly. " A beautiful day...Did my lady elf also pass a comfortable night? " he asked her.

2005-11-12 [Akayume]: Akayume sighed. "I guess so." She said. Then she snickered alittle, remembering her fight.

2005-11-13 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia slips out the door closing it quietly behind her*

2005-11-13 [LoReilly]: LoReilly held the door a moment, for [Fizban] to enter before seeking out a table in the darkest corner of the bar. She was still far from feeling 'human' and didn't want to risk biting anyone's head off if she could help it. She figured [Fizban] could join her if he so wished but if he was up to being more personable then who was she to deter him? She waited to be accosted by the barkeep or resident help.

2005-11-13 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya noticed LoReilly and Fizban's return and said "Hello" but decided it best to leave the two of them be for a while.

2005-11-13 [Igorina]: Josiah noticed her laughter and looked mildly puzzled. " Did I say something? " he asked her.

2005-11-13 [Raie]: *Raie slowly walks down the stairs, rubbing sleep from his eyes.* "What's all that barking?"

2005-11-14 [Akayume]: "No, no. Lets just say that I haad something to keep me awake for awhile." She smiled, then walked over and sat next to him. "So, how did you sleep?"

2005-11-14 [LoReilly]: Barking? LoReilly quirked an eyebrow, wondering if that was some sort of slander on werewolves but then discounted the idea as hunger induced hysteria.

2005-11-14 [Raie]: *looks over at Lorielly, something seems oddly familliar about her. Raie walks over to the window and looks out at the rain.* "Still raining, huh?"

2005-11-15 [Igorina]: Josiah craned his neck thoughtfully and glanced down at the bench. " I've slept better my lady, but at least a fire at one's feet is preferable to a cold wet ground, " he said and glanced over at her. " The life of a poor knight errant is not an easy one between campaigns, " he said solemnly. " And one must be grateful for even as simple as thing as a roof over one's head and food in one's belly. " It would seem Josiah's perception of himself had once again switched. He dug in his ragged pocket and pulled out his handful of buttons. " Would my lady like for me to buy her a bite to eat this morning? " he said, holding out a couple of buttons.

2005-11-15 [LoReilly]: Lor raised an eyebrow as [Raie] moved towards the window. The image against the light seemed ghostly, a shadow of a thought, a gnawing impression of deja vu. She shook it off instantly, wondering if perhaps she'd smelled that scent on the wind in wolf form, but not so curious as to contemplate it deeply. Often ghost images of that other life would cross her view and she had no choice but to consign them to the wells of memory.

2005-11-15 [LoReilly]: In some regions, asking folks if they'd seen a wolf in the forest ended up sounding suspicious. That and she never actually knew what she did when in her wolf those first few moments returning to human life, a slight tang of blood in the back of her throat and the irresistable urge to bolt off into the trees as fast as her two legs could carry her. And then there was the prospect of the deaths she had caused as a canine. The most horrifying was coming too in a strange house, surrounded by dolls and young girl play things; a body torn to shreds, almost unrecognizable in the vast mutilation. Lor had been glad to escape and clean up with none the wiser that she had been there.

2005-11-15 [LoReilly]: Yet she knew in her heart that she'd not have sought out the child behind the earthen walls. The girl had to have come into the forest, in the dead of winter, when Lor had found not a sign of game to assage her stomach. She must've scented the child's sweet aroma on the chill winter wind and followed her back to her dwelling. Of the parents there had been no sign when Lor had found herself wholely human again. Perhaps the girl might have lived had it not been for their neglect?

2005-11-15 [Raie]: *walks away from the window and sits down at the bar. He still has a strange feeling about LoReilly, but can't quite but a finger on it.*

2005-11-15 [Elisha Kelly]: *a soft cry comes from outssside* (can barely be heard) ...wolf

2005-11-15 [Raie]: *raie turns to look at the door* "Wolf?"

2005-11-16 [Akayume]: ", I ah....just ate." Akayume said finally coming up with something.

2005-11-16 [Lothuriel]: *A tall figure walked into the tavern. A rough-looking man with a heavy trench coat dragging the floor. He eyed each individual in the bar area carefully as he made his way to the bar. The silver spurs on his boots broke the attention of most. He took a seat at the bar facing the dining area. Leaning one arm on the bar and rest the other hand on the butt of his rapier, he spoke in a deep commanding voice, "give me your strongest fire water bartender!"

2005-11-16 [Raie]: *Raie looks up at the newcomer, who is a good two feet taller than him.*

2005-11-16 [Lothuriel]: *The man looked down at the goblin and snarled his face in disgust then turned his attention back to the bartender, "Now about that drink?"

2005-11-16 [LoReilly]: LoReilly's fingernails dug into the wood of the table in front of her at the mention of the word "wolf." Her body tensed a bit and then she drew in a deep breath and cast her eyes around the bar, lingering on each patron in turn before returning her focus to the bar itself and wondering why she hadn't been waited on yet. 

2005-11-17 [Lothuriel]: Vexx got impatient and scoffed about the slow service under his breathe as he lit a cigar.

2005-11-17 [Igorina]: Under the stairs, Jynx awoke to see that Travs had vanished a moment and a very impatient man stood there smoking. She heard him demand fire water and rubbed her face. She didn't know where Travs had gone so she assumed that she had to fill in as barkeep until he got back. She stretched, emerged from the stairs, made her way to the bar and hopped up on the rolling bench. " Don't get yar knickers in a bunch, handsome, ' she said laconically. " What're you wanting now? "

2005-11-17 [Lothuriel]: "A Shot of your strongest little gal" The man blew a puff of smoke in her face and turned his back to the bar, scanning the rooms.

2005-11-17 [Asryth]: Asryth walked in through the door and looked around. Quite a few new faces. His gaze fell on Jynx at the bar. And some old ones. He smiled walking up to the bar. "Hello there. Holding down the place, I see," He said to the diminuative Barkeep. "I'm back for a while. Perhaps later we could discuss the arrangement I mentioned before. But now it seems as if you are to business. Might I get a pint of Black Root?" He glanced around him. The large smoking man to his left puffed on a rather large, rather foul smelling cigar. Well... Asryth had his vices, too. Pipes, though, smell decidedly better, He noted.

2005-11-17 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya sat at the table farthest from the door deep in thought when the sound of Asryth walking through the door jolted her back to consciousness, hmm, she thought to herself as she stretched her back, I could use a glass of milk and a bite to eat. She stood and walked the short distance to the bar and took a seat on one of the empty bar stools, “Jynx, mind grabbing me a glass of milk and is there anything to eat back there? “ she inquired.

2005-11-17 [Lothuriel]: The man looked at Astryth and chuckled a bit as he blew another puff of smoke into the air before putting it out. "What do you offer to eat in this joint?" the man asked the halfling.

2005-11-17 [Akayume]: Akayume scoffed at the new man. She didnt care for his type.

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: Jynx waved the smoke away with a scowl, made an obscene gesture at the man when he turned his back to her and set to work. She had little more time then to give Asryth a amiable nod as she set about taking care of people's orders. " There's cold cuts at the other end of the bar there, handsome, " she answered. " You can help yourself. We don't serve a large dinner until sometime in the evening. " She forced a smile though she would have dearly loved to jam his cigar where the sun didn't shine...

2005-11-18 [Raie]: *Raie, having moved from the bar due to a cue from Lothuriel, watched the scene from across the room. He was muttering something, and a single blue spark was lazilly revolving around his right hand.*

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: Josiah's eyes grew very dark. Before anyone else could move the tattered young man got to his feet and walked slowly up to the man. " I would think someone who is enough of a gentleman to own a sword would show a bit more courtsey to the Lord of the manor's daughter here, " he said in a quiet voice, indicating Jynx. " You should apologize for acting so dishonorable in the presence of a lady. "

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: Jynx raised an eyebrow. " Oi handsome, ' she said quickly to Josiah. " He's not bothering me..."

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: Josiah didn't look at her. " I saw him blow smoke in your face, my lady. That is not an action of a worthy gentleman, " he said in the same quiet voice, never moving his brown eyes from the man's face.

2005-11-18 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya took her glass of milk from Jynx and thanked her as she turned on her stool to face the bar patrons, she surveyed everyone idly as she sipped her milk.

2005-11-18 [Akayume]: Akayume shook her head, and watched Josiah.

2005-11-18 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya chuckled softly at Josiah, he may have been a bit off but he was well intentioned.

2005-11-18 [Elisha Kelly]: A gust of wind blew into the tavern as the door opened, in stepped a small bedraggled child, a pair of silvery grey eyes glared out from a small grubby face, daring anyone to question his entering a tavern. He stepped in out of the rain, leaving puddles of water and mud in his wake as he approached the bar. The child reached his destination, which was a little taller than himself. A grubby little hand reached up and placed a copper upon the bar top... "a mug o mead barkeep" he said clearly before turning and leaning back against the bar. It was then he noticed the tension building between the tall stranger and the small little halfling.

2005-11-18 [Akayume]: Akayume stood up, and crept to the bar, where she st down. She wanted to make sure that Josiah didnt do anything too stupid...........

2005-11-18 [Skife]: Bethel sighed as she listened to the crazy young man stand up to the man with the smoke. “He is going to get his face smashed in...” she muttered to herself. She pulled out and old deck of cards she had picked up from one person or another and started playing a game that only required one player. “This day is just going to get better and better I can tell already.”

2005-11-18 [Elisha Kelly]: Kit turned his attention to the others in the bar. brushing his grubby blonde hair out of his face, his eyes saw all and missed nothing

2005-11-18 [Akayume]: Akayume pushe a strand of hair behind one pointed ear. She frowned, knowing that her ear was now showing.

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: Vexx raised his brow and finished his drink before paying any attention to the young man. "Funny, I don't recall askin' you nothin'" He said in a matter-of-fact voice.

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: " I am a knight. It is my business to uphold chivalry..." Josiah answered. " I will ask you again. With all due respect, sir..."

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: The man rubbed his bearded chin. His aggitation was becoming obvious. "So your'e a brat in shiny armour...that s'posed to mean somethin to me?"

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: " I am not here to impress you. Just to speak up for the honor of a lady, my good sir..."

2005-11-18 [Akayume]: "Just walk away now......" Akayume muttered under her breath as she fidgitted.

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: " Oh ye gods..." groaned Jynx rolling her eyes. " I don't need someone speaking up for my honor there handsome..."

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: "Like I said, I don't recall askin' you nohtin', he tipped his hat to a pretty young cat-like woman in the corner."I think I'm gonna need another one of these bartender."

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: Josiah wouldn't be moved. " All I ask is an apology and better manners...then you and I have no quarrel, " he said.

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: The man calmly took off his hat and placed it on the bar. He cracked his neck from side to side then turned to face the knight. "Unless you plan on dyin' today boy, I suggest you back away now..real slow-like. I don't apologize to nobody fer nuthin."

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: " It is a fool who puts his swaggering pride before honor. I would hope you are not such a fool..." he said and you could have heard a pin drop in the tavern.

2005-11-18 [Akayume]: Akayume stood up, ready for a fight. She just hoped that no one would get hurt.

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: "Boy," The man stood up and wasted no to get face to face with the knight,"I gave you ample warnin'. Once is too many times fer me. You think cause you got shiny armour and carry the title of knight, you're more honorable n me? Pride and honor don't matter when ya got a rapier in yer heart...Show yer sword boy" Vexx spoke with cold emotion.

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: Josiah bowed his head. " I fear I am too poor for armor...but not too poor to carry the title of a knight...and die with it too if needs be..." He took out his knife, a unadorned weapon slightly rusty of the sort most swordsmen would use along side a rapier. " I grant you first move, my good sir..."

2005-11-18 [Skife]: Bethel lay down another playing card and then paused in her game to glance over at the people at the bar. She did not want to get involve in anyways but she did want to see how it would end though she had an idea of exactly who would be the winner.

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: Vexx let out a laugh...he laughed so hard he lost his breath. "You had me goin there fer a minute boy. Thought I had some real challenge. Put that thing away boy before ya hurt yerself!"

2005-11-18 [Akayume]: Akayume gritted her teeth, but remained where she was.

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: " You have issued a challenge...I will see it through, sir. I could not refuse otherwise..." said Josiah in a flat voice.

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: "I can't let you fight me with that thing boy!" He sheathed his rapier. "How's about a little hand to hand?"

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: " If you prefer a knife, the choice is yours, " said Josiah without moving. " Either way makes no difference...I have fought swords and knives with the same weapon."

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: Have it yer way boy" Vexx drew his rapier and slashed at the boy's pants causing them to fall slightly, then stuck the rapier under his chin, "your move..knight"

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: Josiah held still a moment, while the leg of his partially severed pants hung down over his knee and a thin thread of blood trickled down his bared leg. A look came in his eyes, a strangely distant look. In a blur of motion his knife arm came up,sliding the blade between the knife blade and the curving crosspiece. At the same moment he pulled his head back. The result was he got a very nasty slice going up his chin but thankfully not across his throat. In the same instance he twisted the blade, locking it and slid it down along the rapier's blade deflecting it away from himself with a loud ring.

2005-11-18 [Akayume]: Akayume took a step forward, and reached out her hand. She stopped herself though, pulled her hand back, and stood still.

2005-11-18 [Igorina]: He leaped back and stood waiting with that same odd distant look in his eyes.

2005-11-18 [Lothuriel]: "Well, looks like them snobs do teach you boys how to use them things," Vexx lunged toward him with surprising grace and flexibility. Each time he lunged or slashed, the knight deflected. Vexx was getting tired of fighting. He pulled out his whip and crack it at the knights' hand with the knife in it...

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